MediaHuman Audio Converter

Software information


Freeware (Free)


03 Jun 2016




Software Screenshots

Size: 30.1 GB

Downloads: 4114

Platform: Windows (All Versions)

Review by Frederick Barton (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 20 May 2013

Nowadays, converting one or more audio files should not take more than a minute and it should not cost anything. This is the principle behind MediaHuman Audio Converter. The application was created with ease of use in mind, so you can prepare and execute a conversion process, in a few moments, without any kind of difficulties.

MediaHuman Audio Converter is distributed as a freeware application, so you don't have to pay for it, unless you want to make a donation. The installation file is roughly 13 MB and you can have the application up and running in just a few seconds. It is available for Windows and Mac OS X platforms and its hardware requirements are modest.

The compact interface has a clean and simple design and its transparency, in Windows 7 or Vista, gives it a modern and elegant looks. All you have to do is load your files, select an output format and hit a Start button. Loaded files are displayed in a list, along with cover arts and a few basic details. You can either convert all files in a single run or convert individual files, by double clicking their entries. MediaHuman Audio Converter comes with the latest audio codecs built in, so the conversion procedure is quite fast. Furthermore, the application is capable of processing multiple files simultaneously.

Files can be loaded with a standard Open dialog or by dragging and dropping them over the interface. Other options can be used to remove single items or clear the entire list. An output format can be selected on a separate window, where a bitrate can be selected as well. The application will store the converted files on a default path, but you can change it in the general settings panel.

When you open the general settings menu, you will notice a few other features, which you might not expect to find. For example, MediaHuman Audio Converter can automatically retrieve cover art images from DiscOgs, and Google Images. Additionally, you can set the application to add your audio files to iTunes, in a new playlist.


The software is capable of converting several audio files in a single run and it can process multiple files simultaneously. The interface has a simple and elegant design, which makes the conversion process easy and comfortable. The application is absolutely free and it will not hinder you with any ads or nag screens.


There are no obvious drawbacks to mention. If you need a fast, simple and reliable solution for converting your audio files, MediaHuman Audio Converter is exactly what you are looking for.

MediaHuman Audio Converter


MediaHuman Audio Converter Awards

MediaHuman Audio Converter Editor’s Review Rating

MediaHuman Audio Converter has been reviewed by Frederick Barton on 20 May 2013. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated MediaHuman Audio Converter 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential


out of 5